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Data Science

For E-commerce & Social Media

This is one of our premium services created specifically for automatic sales optimization and bottleneck detection, from customer prospecting to the last rung of a company’s value ladder, since a single sale is not really the important thing, but customer loyalty for long-term sales.
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An interesting name, but… What is Data Science and what is the one used by Bit Bytes?

Data Science is the analysis of large amounts of data for the optimization of any process and is used in different areas. In our case we use it for:

  • Data analysis of traffic sources such as Facebook Ads, Google and Google Ads, Linkedin Ads and other paid or organic traffic sources used by our clients.
  • Analysis of E-Commerce, Landing Page and conversion pages such as Sales funnels.

These data treatments are done in order to find failures or bottlenecks within the sales process, and thus maintain a correct flow of customers. 


Who is this service dedicated to?

This service is designed to be able to work with 3 types of clients, each one attended in a personalized way according to the technological point in which your company is, and these are shown below:


Both physical and digital.
Scalable online


Both physical and digital.
Scalable online


Mainly content creators. To optimize sales conversion process for your community.

Do you have doubts if this service can work for your company?
Check out our FAQ section.

What does this service include?

This service includes 4 fundamental pillars which are:

Attraction and Traffic Generation

In this pillar we generate pieces of content exclusively for ads, pieces in video and images, which we make them compete with each other to later analyze the most optimal and in which we will invest money.

It is important to clarify that we will not create content to publish on social networks, it is content for exclusive use for paid ads, since the content pieces have another structure and creative process.

Prospecting and customer classification

We create segmented and ultra-segmented audiences, which also compete with each other to know which is the optimal audience for conversions.

Finally, we create retargeting or nurturing emails to make offers to customers we have already sold to.

Allowing the company’s current customers to make more purchases and increase their purchase ticket.

Attraction and Traffic Generation

In this pillar we generate pieces of content exclusively for ads, pieces in video and images, which we make them compete with each other to later analyze the most optimal and in which we will invest money.

It is important to clarify that we will not create content to publish on social networks, it is content for exclusive use for paid ads, since the content pieces have another structure and creative process.

Prospectación y Clasificación de clientes

We create segmented and ultra-segmented audiences, which also compete with each other to know which is the optimal audience for conversions.

Finally, we create retargeting or nurturing emails to make offers to customers we have already sold to.

Allowing the company’s current customers to make more purchases and increase their purchase ticket.


We create segmented and ultra-segmented audiences, which also compete with each other to know which is the optimal audience for conversions.

Finally, we create retargeting or nurturing emails to make offers to customers to whom we have already sold.

Allowing the company’s current customers to make more purchases and increase their purchase ticket.

Data Analysis

The other three previous pillars generate a large amount of data between the competitions generated between pieces, audiences and forms of sales in funnels or e-commerce, and thanks to this amount of data in constant analysis we can optimize the sales process.

In the case of e-commerce we can also evaluate which products are the most purchased, the categories most requested by customers and in this way companies can optimize their inventory and upseller strategy.


We create segmented and ultra-segmented audiences, which also compete with each other to know which is the optimal audience for conversions.

Finally, we create retargeting or nurturing emails to make offers to customers to whom we have already sold.

Allowing the company’s current customers to make more purchases and increase their purchase ticket.

Data Analysis

The other three previous pillars generate a large amount of data between the competitions generated between pieces, audiences and forms of sales in funnels or e-commerce, and thanks to this amount of data in constant analysis we can optimize the sales process.

In the case of e-commerce we can also evaluate which products are the most purchased, the categories most requested by customers and in this way companies can optimize their inventory and upseller strategy.

Why is it a premium service?

It is our premium service mainly because of the level of attention that you will receive from all areas of the company that are involved and also because of the amount of services that our client will be receiving.

At the same time, one of the benefits is that the clients of this service will have direct contact with the directors of each area involved through meetings every time strategies need to be generated.

Customer service will also be a priority, allowing us to attend to them and set meetings outside normal customer service hours.

It is not a service for all our clients, only those who meet the requirements mainly of scalability. Talk to our experts to find out if your company qualifies.


Let’s get in touch to empower you!

We boost your sales, and to achieve this we have to meet and plan the strategy we are going to follow. That’s why we ask you for these three simple pieces of information.

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